108 Days t0 Transformation
You don't just want a change - you want a transformation.
This is your opportunity to make 2020 your happiest year yet -
even in the midst of crisis
Your ability to transform lies solely in your willingness to take responsibility for your life.
Your journey starts April 13th
Picture this: it’s December 2020 and you are happier than ever thought possible.
You’ve stayed committed to your goals - even when shit hit the fan - and you put yourself first.
The best part? you feel fucking amazing!!!!
Go ahead - ask anyone what they want most in life and I bet they’ll say “I want to be happy.” And especially now.
But so many of us are looking for happiness in all the wrong places. In our bank accounts, in our partnerships, our businesses, our weight….
Here’s a fact for you:
Losing weight won’t make you happy. Making more money won’t make you happy. Being perfect won’t make you happy (as a matter of fact perfect doesn’t even exist). And getting aaaaalll those things checked off your to-do list won’t make you happy either.
The only place that happiness can be found is within you.
In a time when so much of our lives are uncertain, so much feels overwhelming, so much feels out of our control - there is one thing you can control, and that is how you treat yourself, what you tell yourself and who you can be.
108 Days To Transformation is a program designed for a time like this.
108 teaches you how to create your unique happiness from the inside, out. The kind of happiness that sticks around no matter what your circumstances are, how much money you make, where you work, what you weigh, who you’re with and so on. This is the kind of happiness that is always within you, no matter what.
108 is going to help you get through the hardest times, and beyond.
You might be thinking this sounds great! But these are crazy fucking times, Ashley! There’s no way I can be happy or even focus on myself right now! But what if it WAS possible?? Because where you are now is not the place you want to be…
I know because before I cam back to my 108 practices, I was right where you are:
Stuck as fuck and feeling like I’m the only one struggling
Comparing myself to everyone else’s success and productivity
Striving and pushing at the sacrifice of my health and happiness
Chasing happiness like a mad woman, only to be left disappointed and discouraged
Attached and clinging to happiness as the outcome - “If I just do x,y, and z then I’ll be happy!!”
Living in the future - “I’ll be happy when…”
Working to prove my worth to everyone around me because I wasn’t enough already
Wanting success for all the wrong reasons
Disconnected from who I was and what I truly wanted
If this sounds like you honey buns, you’ve come to the right corner of the Internet 😊
Because you don’t just want change - we want a transformation.
Shedding away old patterns and beliefs to reveal brilliance.
In this course will be addressing the 3 tiers of transformation and joy: empowerment, holistic wellness and mindfulness, each one being a lifeline back to our joy that we can utilize and access at any time, no matter what.
Day 1 - 36: Empowerment
Joy (and transformation) are steeped in empowerment.
What we cover:
How to align your values with your actions and transform your daily life.
How to quickly move out of a state of disempowerment and into empowerment.
How to create meaning and purpose everyday to fuel your happiness.
How to create an intimate relationship, deep wisdom and connection to who you are.
Why responsibility is a key component to our happiness.
The Spirituality Of Slowing Down
Day 37 - 73: Holistic Wellness
It’s as simple as this: If your body, mind and spirit aren’t happy, you aren’t going to be happy. The truth is, the way we care for our bodies is vital to our happiness.
What we cover:
Simple, nourishing and life-changing practice that increase your happiness and your health.
How to tap into body love no matter what.
The people, places and things that will support you in your transformation.
What kind of self care works best for you.
How to create a holistic wellness plan that can support you in long-term happiness.
Day 74 - 108
Research shows that 90% of the time we are not thinking about the actual thing we are doing in the moment. However, research also show that the most mindful people are the happiest.
In the third phase of 108 we address:
How to incorporate simple mindfulness practice to infuse calm and reduce stress and anxiety.
How to pull your mind back into the present moment when you get pulled down the rabbit hole of stress, anxiety, comparison, judgement and criticism.
Why mindfulness is the key to our happiness
“Even when I wasn’t 100% consistent, 108 Days To Transformation helped me stay sane when I felt insecure and lost. Joy really did start to become my default setting!”
What are you waiting for?!
If you can hold it down during a time like this, you can hold it down any time. 108 is going to teach you how to do just that.
* Receive instant access once you enroll!
Snag those details!
Evergreen course that you can join (and finish) anytime!! Go at your own pace!**
6 60-minute Transformational Coaching Calls (2 each month)
108 Journaling Prompts
Happiness Habit Tracker
Coloring Pages
108 Days To Transformation Free Online Community to get coaching and support from me during the course.
Purchase the Happy As Fuck companion journal and card deck for only $67 more!
One 50-minute Transformational Coaching Session ($200 value)
“Transformation is not a future event. It is a present day activity”
Frequently asked Questions:
What is a Happiness Habit or Ritual?
A happiness habit and ritual, in respect to this program, can be described as intentional, devoted time or a self love activity that nourishes your body, mind and soul at a deeper level. It’s often an activity that brings a light and life to you. It fuels you, it empowers you and it brings you so much joy.
A ritual requires mindfulness, intention and a sense of "dropping into" your life rather than going through the motions. Rituals have been used as a way of ceremony and celebration for thousands of years. The ritual you choose in this program will be totally up to you.
What if I can't complete the 108 days?
This program is not about being perfect and completing the 108 days. This journey is really about committing to your self care and your wellbeing and learning about yourself and your life along the way. Whether you complete the 108 days consecutively or not, the intention is to have fun and devote time to your happiness and wellbeing.
Plus, I will be here right along with you completing this journey! You'll get personal coaching from me, accountability and tons of inspiration to keep you moving forward.
I have such a busy life! Is it really going to be possible for me to add yet one more thing into my life?
The short answer to this question is, it's totally up to you! Essentially you get to decide what you have time for and what you create time for. Self care is a necessity for optimal health and happiness, so is it possible, ABSOLUTELY. It's just how much heart, Soul and discipline you are willing to put into it!
These daily happiness habits and rituals do not need to take long either. 15 minutes for your rituals is plenty of time to reconnect back to yourself, tap into your happy and connect back to your Soul.
What kind of happiness habits and rituals do people do?
You can choose whatever ritual is calling you. It could be anything from drink a glass of water before every meal, walk in the morning each day, meditate, eat a green vegetable, anything. Some people, like myself, have morning rituals, others prefer to do their ritual in the evening. It will be totally up to you, and we will talk about how to create a sustainable ritual during Prep Week. The only caveat is that the ritual has to be intentional, it has to be mindful, loving and for the betterment of your life. The most sustainable rituals are those that are fun and created out of self love and self care.
Transform your life in 108 days.
Other Questions? Feel free to contact me Here.
“I never thought happiness needed to be something that I needed to practice - turns out it was! And the more I practiced it in 108, the happier I became, and I know you can do it too.”