When Shitty Things Happen To You


We had the best weekend! Until we didn't.

In a short 24 hour period we swam in warm lakes, got sunburned in a great way, giggled endlessly with the nieces, shared beautiful, delicious meals, endured a car break-in costing $600+ and a torn rotator cuff with an estimated two month recovery period.

Talk about a 180 🥴

You wanna know what's different about this 180 though? The fact that after shit hit the fan, I didn't go, “Yeah, see? I knew life was too good to be true. I knew the other shoe would drop. I knew I didn't deserve that level of happiness. Of course shit hit the fan. Of course I'd be punished.” 

 Shitty Things Don’t Mean You’re Stuck

That's the kind of shit I used to say to myself. I used to use crappy things happening in my life as a way to justify the ‘fact’ that I didn't deserve immense joy and happiness.

I used to use it as a way to feel sorry for myself. I used to use shitty things happening as a way to keep myself stuck at a ‘familiar happiness.’ Talk about self sabotage! 

 We Can Always Choose …

Now I know I have a choice. 1) I can choose to use shitty life experiences as ‘proof’ that I don't deserve happiness or 2) I can choose to know that shitty life experiences happen and those things do not determine how much happiness I can handle or deserve. 

It's taken me a minute, but I'm starting to see how this experience is asking me to expand into a joy I wasn't familiar with before.

In the midst of tears, wardrobe malfunctions and ponytail mishaps, I've been shown how capable I am of asking for and receiving help (bliss), who I am without doing all the things (worthy) and the gracious patience and compassion that come with healing (miraculous). 

 Now, there's even more joy than there was before.

Do you feel like you have a million and one things hanging over your head? Tons of things to do but you’re not doing them? Download your Tolerations Worksheet below, stop procrastinating and start getting shit done.


7 Habits I Created To Live My Best Life


What I Do When I’m Sad: A Guide for Women