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10-Day Sacred Soul Challenge

How important and meaningful does your life feel right now? Are you constantly running from place to place, staying busy and distracted? Are you going through the motions, just trying to get through the days, avoiding your emotions, and numbing out on social media just to ‘forget for awhile’?

Do you care for your body and mind like they are sacred, or are you fueling and feeding them with garbage and negativity?

You may be wondering, how the heck do I get my life back? How do I regain my inner peace, my inner compass, my happiness?

In this 10-day challenge we will be refocusing your attention on the positive. If you tend to get pulled down the rabbit hole of allowing fear, stress, overwhelm and anxiety rule your life, through mindfulness techniques we will be re-directing our focus onto optimism, happiness habits, cultivating inner peace during uncertainty and making life sacred again.

August 31st - September 9th. Online. Free. All Soul.

You can expect:

  • Daily videos with your Sacred Soul Challenge

  • 12-page Sacred Soul Workbook

  • To cultivate meaning and purpose daily

  • Increase your happiness by focusing on what really matters

  • Awakening to your True Self

  • Deepening your inner peace during times of uncertainty

  • Making your body, mind and spirit sacred again.

July 23

The 5 Actions To Get Unstuck + Take Your Life To The Next Level

October 8

Make Better Choices: An Intro To The Desire Map