You’re exhausted, you can’t remember where you put your keys, you have no clue what (or if) you ate today, and the months are zooming by at lightening speed. Sometimes it feels like you’re just trying to make it through the day or going through the motions. If something doesn’t go down the way it’s supposed to, it could potentially through you completely off the rails. Most days, you’re hanging on by a thread.
Babydoll, if this is you, first of all, I’ve got my hand raised too. And, it’s time for you to pump the fucking brakes on your life. Something has got to give, and it’s not going to be you, not again.
Slowing down is definitely not in your vocabulary and I get it. It wasn’t in mine either. Until I hit that classic breaking point that people always talk about.
But you don’t have to literally break to take back your life.
The truth of the matter is that there are about a million things more important than your to-do list. Busyness is not your purpose - joy is.
And that’s what you can expect to learn more about in this workshop.
You’ll learn:
5 modern day mindfulness tools to increase your happiness
Why it’s so damn hard to slow down (and why you need to do it anyway)
How to dissociate from busy and live more fully
What you’re missing out on when you’re so busy and distracted
How to live a happier, more fulfilling life that’s authentically aligned with your dreams and desires
I mean, do you really want your life to be whittled down to one boring, piddly word - BUSY?
If you’re so tired of saying “wow! Time is just FLYING by!” this workshop will literally teach you how to slow down and actually enjoy the hell out of your life.
April 7th, 2021 @ 10am - 12pm PST (recorded if you can’t make it live)
Pump The Fucking Brakes Workbook
Limited space
Workshop: $20
Workshop + Book: $40
All materials and info will be sent the day before the workshop!
Slow The Fuck Down is a tiny yet mighty book with 30 tools and journaling prompts to help you slow the fuck down and live your one sacred life, fully.