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24 Things To Help Women Be More Empowered In 2024

So … last year was a hell of a year. 

But, if I look back at it as a glass half-full gal, I can say that I learned a lot.

I'd like to share some of those things with you today, so we can carry them into 2024.

It’s Good to Look Back Over The Previous Year (especially at journals - wink!)

To compile this list, I spent some time going through some old journal entries from this year, as well as some photos. 

It's tough sometimes going back and seeing the trials and tribulations of the year. But it's also incredible to go back and see all the wins you can so easily overlook - we always have more than we think

 There have been hard lessons, easy lessons, heartbreaking lessons, exciting lessons this year - and every single one was necessary to get me to this precise place where I'm happier, healthier and more alive than I was in January. Halle-freaking-lujah!

So let me share some of my best insights from a bumpy, but ultimately educational year.

24 Lessons for 2024

  1. You Have More Than You Think

You are surrounded by so much support and so many resources, you are never alone and things are never as hopeless as they seem.

2. You’ve Got This!

Validate yourself and be your own best cheerleader. It's one of the best gifts you can give yourself.

3. What’s For You Won’t Pass You By

Trust that you always wind up in the room you're meant to be in.

4. Stop Forcing It

Being pulled toward your dreams is so much more fun than pushing yourself toward them.

5. Give Thanks - Get Happy

Generosity and gratitude are the anecdotes to unhappiness.

6. There is Always Room for Kindness

Be unconditionally compassionate with people - including yourself.

7. Take the Risk

Apply for the job, do the Naked Bike Ride 😜 , make the ask, quit, start, travel, say yes, say no. 

Whatever it is, you're gonna be so happy you Showed UP.

8. Plan Ahead … Ahem

Have some money set aside for the unforeseeable plumbing issue. 😅

9. Slow it Down

Spend more time being and less time doing - ancient wisdom that always hits.

10.  Reach Out For Happiness

You are responsible for your own happiness - and it's always available to you.

11. No More Productivity = Worth

Your worth far outweighs anything on your to-do list.

12.  Grab a Selfie Here and There

One day you'll look back and be like dammmmnnnnnn, I was gorgeous!! So just know how gorgeous you are now.  😊

13. Find YOUR Gang

The people you surround yourself with have the ability to keep you stuck or help you grow. 🌱 #yoaforlife

14.  Keep Perspective

If it's not gonna matter in 5 years, don't worry about it longer than 5 minutes.

15,  Do a Tech Check

Put your fucking phone down. 

16.  What’s the Rush?

Nature doesn't hurry and neither should you.

17.  It’s OK to Feel It

Stay right here. In the pain. In the joy. In whatever it is, stay.

18. Keep Out 

By all means, protect your peace.

19. Make Time for What Matters Most

You are never, not ever, too busy for the things that matter - friends, family, therapy, health, helping someone in need, journaling.

20. You’ve Arrived

You are, without question, exactly where you need to be.

21. Authenticity, Baby.

LIVE. Live loud, live quiet, live however the hell you want.

22. Connect Body and Soul

When in doubt, dance, sing, come back to your body.

23. Stop. Breathe. Listen

Your heart always has the answer.

24. Some Stuff Really Can Just Fuck Right Off

Are you with me?? 🖕🖕🖕

Top Advice for 2024

What's on your Lessons Learned list this year? Which number resonates with you most?

Please comment and share with me a lesson you've learned this year and make sure to download your workbook below.

Wishing you an amazing 2024!