Having Your Own Back: A Lesson In Speaking Up
I was walking down the pasta aisle when I was mocked by middle-aged white man. What did I do?
The Power Of Tiny Choices
Despite what our culture tells us, not everything has to be BIG to make a powerful impact. Tiny choices count, too (and maybe even more than we thought).
5 Happiness Rituals For The Spring Equinox 2021
Spring is finally here! And after a long, dark winter through COVID-19, we deserve a fresh start, right?! To me, spring and happiness go hand-in-hand. In this article you’ll find five happiness rituals to do this week to heighten your mood and welcome the arrival of spring.
What Happiness Isn't
Denying your feelings, your reality, your truth is creating unhappiness. There is one thing - ONE - that will guarantee you happiness. It’s called authenticity.