Turning 40 (I'm just a bit terrified)

It’s official. I am 40.

And let me tell you, I've felt every during the past few weeks leading up to my birthday - dread, grief, bliss, freedom, gratitude, and the occasional excitement.

Mostly, the last few months of my 30s have felt anticipatory, like something either terrifying or incredible is lurking around the corner. 

The Power of Yearly Reflection

Each year around my birthday I do some massive reflection on the past year and share my candid celebrations, lessons, regrets, and wishes with you all. It's one of my favorite things I write to y'all all year.

As you read some of the insights I've had over the past year, I invite you to also take some time to reflect too.

  • What are you celebrating?

  • What lessons are you learning?

  • What, if any, regrets do you have?

  • And what are the biggest wishes you have for yourself?

Please feel free to hit reply and share your thoughts with me! I love hearing from you

Here it goes. 

Four Celebrations: 

  1. I'm more comfortable being Ashley than I've ever been, and I can honestly say with a whole heart that I absolutely love who I am and who I've become

  2. I've courageously reclaimed my identity as a writer

  3. I'm officially-officially going back to school to get my Master's

  4. I'm learning how to love and deeply care for my sensitive, emotional self

Four Lessons: 

  1. The health of my body is the foundation of my joy, vibrancy, and success, not the look of my body. How I care for it matters

  2. Nobody, not one single Soul, knows better for me than I do

  3. The more you let go, the more you allow

  4. Numbers are fake. Age, weight, followers, money in the bank. I'm not going to die with any of those things, nor care about them when I'm on my deathbed. Focus on what is real: sharing experiences and memories filled with love and joy

Two Regrets 

  1. Taking on too much or thinking I could do it all. SHOCKER - Because of this, at times I felt like I was just going through the motions of my life which is the exact opposite of how I want to live

  2. Feeling guilty for doing anything that felt soft or gentle. Hard. Now. Fear. Urgency. All of these things are familiar but wreck my nervous system. This year, softer and gentler - without the guilt

Four Wishes

  1. I hope I find a level of deep contentment and satisfaction with where I am in my life

  2. I hope I make more money with even more ease

  3. I hope to grow our little Fur Family

  4. I hope I write and publish a really great book

A Huge Thank You

Last but certainly not least, I want to say thank you so much for being here.

Many of you have been with me from the beginning (12 years!! ) and I can't tell you how much that truly means to me!!

Building a business that equally fills my Soul and pockets has been the most rewarding and frustrating journey of my life.

But you're here and that's what keeps me going, so thank you from the bottom of my wee little heart!!!


Yes - We Absolutely Can Practice Happiness (want to join me?)


Favorite Things & February Recap 🩷